Friday, March 10, 2017

Exact Colors!

Color!  We all need a little color in our life, right?  I am a fan of Google Drawings, but I was not always a fan of the color selection for shapes, text, anything.  I was so happy the day I discovered the Color Picker Eyedropper extension for Chrome!  It's easy to use and opens your world to finding the exact color you are looking for!

I hope this opens your eyes to all the colors surrounding you!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

How do you spell that?

One of my personal flaws that I am first to admit to is I cannot spell!  I try.  When I was a child, I was so happy when I discovered most computer programs included a spell check.  I will rewrite sentences to avoid using certain words that spell check cannot even figure out to make a suggestion.  I know I'm not the only person out there with this same struggle!  Spelling has been a personal struggle all of my life and I'm okay with that now.

Electronic spell checkers have come a long way.  I actually use two different tools that are extensions for Chrome.   The first one is Ginger.  I have used this tool for a long time.  Well, "long time" is relative, right?  Ginger is user friendly and very helpful!  I use the free version of this product.  That means I have a limited number of words per week Ginger will correct for me, but it always finds the errors.  I know it's been a bad week of spelling when the popup messages asks me if I want to purchase!  No, I'll just rewrite the sentence, right?  Watch this video to see how Ginger works...

I also use Grammarly.  Grammarly and I have a love hate relationship.  I love the suggestions and corrections for not only my spelling, but also grammar.  I have a habit of trying to correct my mistakes before I go on with my writing.  This habit involves my fingers reaching for keys before my mind realizes where the cursor is on the screen.  Grammarly and I fight back and forth as to where the cursor needs to be!  Grammarly will also send you a weekly email to help you learn where your mistakes are happening so you can become a better writer.  At first I didn't think very much about receiving another email.  Now, I like it!  Watch this video to learn how Grammarly works...

What do you use to check spelling?

Time to Explore!

It's time to explore, with Google Expeditions! In the fall a fellow educator approached me about finding virtual field trips for learners.  When learners are introduced to new information what a wonderful experience to be able to see with our own eyes.  While I was growing up I was very fortunate to be exposed to so many different experiences through travel.  When I lived in Colorado my family and I made frequent trips to various towns in the mountains.  I had been learning about Colorado history and it was exciting to connect my classroom learning to tangible sites.  We frequently went to all kinds of museums because of the easy access in our area.  It made such an impression on me.  I remember being in high school, going to San Antonio, walking around a shopping center and the next thing I know I'm standing in front of the Alamo!  The image I had created in my head of the Alamo on the Texas plains was nothing like how it looks today!

Not everyone has the opportunity to travel and make these kinds of connections.  Or, do they?  The more I looked and listened to how other educators were using Google Expeditions I was ready to start!  I was familiar with Google Cardboard.  I had heard about Google Lit Trips several years ago.  I had even played with the Google Earth app.  So how could we use resources we already have to help learners experience new places.  I started researching Expeditions.  By downloading a free app learners could have exposure to places they have never seen.  Yes!!

Now, where to begin?  I was able to show a few educators the potential of Expeditions through one on one conversations.  I then asked a small group of learners to explore with me to try it out.  I was also able to work with a few of my co-workers to explore some more.  There was a lot of excitement, but where could I find the right fit for curriculum and exploring?  Timing is everything!  I was working with a few English Language Arts educators when the conversation turned to the next novel their class would be reading.  Chasing Lincolns Killer by James L. Swanson.  Well, there just happens to be an Expedition of The Lincoln Assassination at Ford's Theatre.  Perfect!

Before we began exploring, certain expectations were set.  Our objective: to have fun and explore, in a controlled environment!

The learners had read the first couple of chapters of the book setting up the events leading up to the assassination of President Lincoln.   Now to see what it really looked like!  We launched the guide and were off!  The "ooh" and "ahh" while going through the theatre filled the room.  To see the distance Booth had jumped from the Presidential box where Lincoln had been shot.  To see the flags draped around the Presidential box that had been put in place only hours before President Lincoln arrived.  Wow!  Amazing!  There was one learner who had travelled to Washington D.C. last summer and had gone to Ford's Theatre.  He said it was just like he remembered it.  Yes!  Our objective was met!  For another group, the Expedition was more meaningful to explore before reading the chapter.  Establishing a scheme provided a better understanding when reading the novel.  

It was a great experience for everyone!  Now, where can where will we go next?

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Favorite Chrome Extensions

Chrome Extensions!  A little icon can do so much!  First of all, extensions are small programs to modify and enhance the functionality of the browser.  I love extensions!  Who doesn't love to simplify!

Goo is one of the first extensions I suggest to add to Chrome.  In education, a QR code is a necessity for providing learners with a fast and direct path to access resources.  Here is a short video to discover the power of Goo!

Although Goo is my first "go to" tool, I have to admit I am excited about the ease of QuickMark!  I was so surprised to learn how quickly I can create QR codes with this tool!  Watch this short clip to learn more!

What is your favorite extension?