Thursday, April 26, 2018

Collaboration Time!

I have had some time to play around with Keynote since the podcast episode Alli and I recorded in January.  I had not spent too much more time with it, but it was always in the back of my mind of how can I use this again?  This is my first animation I made...

On multiple occasions I have tried to think how I could use Keynote, but it just didn't seem like the right fit and you shouldn't force a tool on a project.  Then, I had a brilliant idea to collaborate with my daughter!  She had recently found out about the No More Straws campaign to end the use of plastic straws.  We worked together to share the message and use a new tool!   We learned together!

I can't wait to see how this learning will lead to new creative ideas!

An Apple A Week Podcast Series: iMovie

The next episode in our Apple a Week series is all about iMovie!

I have used iMovie for a really long time. Like, a really long time. I remember when you had to use a Firewire cable to connect the camera to import the video to the computer. I loved iMovie. I made iMovies ALL. THE. TIME! I needed a break. So, many years later when I ventured into iMovie land again I found myself a little frustrated because all of the bells and whistles were hidden somewhere and it was a struggle to make movies and I decided to breakup with iMovie for real!! In the next chapter of my life iMove was now available to be used on my iPad. Wow! I can wrap my head around this again!! I embraced iMove, once again. After a few more twists and turns in our rocky relationship iMovie and I had some rough times. Once again, I am back on the iMovie train. It is an up and down, give and take relationship I have with iMovie. What I love about iMovie is that it is *free* and pretty straight forward to use. What I love about iMovie is that our learners love it too! They want to express themselves. They love to see themselves perform! And, it doesn’t matter how old you are, you can use iMovie! In this episode we are joined by learners who tell us how they are using iMovie in their classroom!

 I hope you enjoy…

Thursday, April 19, 2018

An Apple a Week Podcast Series: The Great iPad Challenge Reflection

Following our great iPad challenge, our team had a debrief session to really dive deep into our experience reflection.

Alli and I designed a learning experience for this part of the reflection process. Our teammates did not know it, but they would be the next guests on the podcast! Our team experienced just how amazing using Anchor is for recording and publishing podcasts. Listen to this episode to find out more!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Great iPad Challenge

A few weeks ago one of my teammates, Alli, challenged all of our team to go 2 days using only our iPads.  No MacBooks allowed!  The purpose of the challenge was for us to experience exactly what our learners do every single day.   We are very fortunate to work in a district where all educators are issued a laptop and mobile device, but how are we truly using our devices to transform learning?

A few ground rules were put in place.  Day one, we were allowed to only use our iPads.  Day two we could use an Apple Pencil and keyboard,  The plan was to have a usual day of work with the added focus of a few challenges to make sure we were experiencing, with integrity, what it means to have an iPad for everything.  We used the following bingo board, designed using Pages, to guide our day.

I had 2 big struggles with day 1.  First, I'm used to having multiple (let's be real.....a lot!!!) internet browser tabs open all at once.  I move pretty quickly through various tools on the web.  I can find most anything pretty fast.  I was greatly slowed down because I didn't know where the apps were on my iPad!!  I have a few folders of apps and I usually open everything using the search feature, but it took longer to get where I needed to be and swap between apps.  Learning curve!  Second, the battery life!  By midmorning I was already down to 50%.  What???  How could my iPad go through so much battery so quickly?  We complain about learners not having a charged device at school but if my iPad won't stay charged for the entire day how can I expect that of a learner.  I do want to take into consideration when learners are in class they are not constantly on their device.  They use their devices, but not every day of every period. 

While preparing for day 2 I found creating a presentation on my iPad to be a bit frustrating.  My brain knew I could perform most of the same tasks on the iPad as I do on my MacBook, but it was sometimes difficult to figure it out.  I found an app to help me get the desired result I was looking for.  As for day 2 of the challenge, we were able to use an Apple Pencil and a keyboard.  Using the keyboard really helped my productivity.  I found it much easier to do my work.  For that day in particular I really didn't use the Apple Pencil; however, I was introduced to DrawCast by a learner that really sparked my interest.

My team shared their experience via Twitter.  Here is the Twitter Moment of our reactions. With this new mindset of using one tool, how can we better design learning experiences for our learners.  I would encourage all educators to take on this challenge.  Look closer at what you are asking your learners to do with their device.  How is what you are asking them to do transforming their learning experience and truly using the device that is right in front of them to challenge their thinking?

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

An Apple a Week Podcast Series: GarageBand

Have you tried to use GarageBand?  On several different occasions in the past 10 years I have launched the app and told myself I would conquer this app!  10 minutes later I might have a couple of tracks put together and then I delete it all.  Quit GarageBand.  Forget about the app.  This winter my team member Alli, brought it back to the table as part of the Apple a Week Blogging Series.

It just so happened I had spent some time working with a social studies educator who was asking learners to be creative when putting together research about what makes a great leader.  The timing was perfect!  I discovered a learner who was truly using GarageBand to make an impact on their own learning! 

 Now we have published another episode for the Apple a Week podcast series that is all about GarageBand. The best part, for me, was I got to interview the learner who is really impacting their learning by making their own original songs!