Monday, April 15, 2019

Podcast: Redefining Spiral Review in the Land of STAAR

It's spring time in Texas which means it's testing season.  Yes!  The most favorite time of the year!  Not really!  In this podcast episode Alli and I discuss how we can transform traditional review lessons to engage your learners.  We also have a special guest, Amanda Mask, who joins us to share a tool she recently discovered!

Here are a few of the tools we talked about:

Until next time!

Monday, April 1, 2019

What's Coming up in April

I'm really excited about the professional learning opportunities the Digital Learning Coaches have put together for April.  There is always something new to learn about...especially with our educators receiving new MacBooks this month!  Check out the resources the DLC team has put together and I am sure you will find something new and exciting!