Monday, November 12, 2018

Podcast: Critical Thinking through Digital Portfolios

I am really excited our educators and learners have the opportunity to create their own digital portfolio.  A committee worked for several months to research which tool would work best for our district and settled on Bulb.  Now we are in process of helping everyone get their portfolios setup.  In this episode of our podcast we have guests from Northwest ISD to contribute to our discussion about critical thinking and digital portfolios.  I hope you enjoy listening to this episode!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Poppin' with Popplet

Creativity with the iPad is one thing that keeps drawing me back to this device.  There are so many possibilities!  I was preparing a resource for learners to use Popplet to help explain their learning and thought I would share it here. 

I used Popplet to put together this image to help learners figure out some of the different options when working in Popplet.  I like that within a bubble you have the ability to share not only with written text, but also with images or drawings.  With Popplet, it is so easy to connect different pieces of the web.  And who doesn't love a free app!  The limitations of a free Popplet is only limited to your imagination of using an infinite whiteboard space.

How can you use Popplet to help learners explain their learning?

Friday, November 2, 2018

Getting There Faster with Less Clicks!

I want to access my information quickly.  If I can find a way to click less and get somewhere more I will do it!  So, when educators asked me how they could customize their Schoology dashboard and I wanted to find out!  Watch this video tutorial and speed up your accessing time!

Hope this helps!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

What's Coming Up in November

The Coppell Digital Learning Coaches are preparing for professional learning opportunities focused on critical thinking during the months of November and December.  Use the image below or click here to peek at the various options.  Register in Eduphoria for the webinars and tune in on Twitter for the upcoming chat in December!

Join us!