Friday, May 18, 2018

An Apple a Week: Episode 11

I cannot believe Alli and I have recorded our last episode in our podcast series: An Apple a Week. 

This has been a joy to create this podcast and work on the content all semester. I have learned a lot for myself and I’m hoping I can share my knowledge with others, both about creating a podcast and Apple in Education. In this episode, Alli and I discuss how we can continue our learning over the summer. I hope you enjoy listening to this episode.


Now that you listened to the podcast, how will you grow over the summer? Join us on Tuesday, June 5th!  Register in Euphoria!! 
Image Created in Canva by Megan Kozar

You know you have something to share! Why not submit a proposal? You will be welcome with open minds when sharing your knowledge with fellow educators from CISD.

And, check out all of the other learning opportunities available across the metroplex!

Share with us your learning at #coppelldlc!  And I can confidently say, I have every intention of continuing to podcast in the future!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

And the one became two!

Recently I was able to help a colleague with a task that wasn't necessarily difficult, but time consuming.  Printing name tags from a spreadsheet using mail merge is not difficult, but I have found it usually takes me a little time to get everything in just the right order so that the final product comes out looking pristine!

What seems like many, many, many years ago I would use the mail merge option with Word and Excel on a regular basis.  I recall one particular report I would run but the first and last name of learners would be in one column.  I needed the names in separate columns.  My colleagues and I would go through a series of steps to reach our desired outcome.  There were columns added & copied, formulas entered and the "Paste Special;" then, columns deleted.   

So faced with this task, I thought the clock wold tick by to complete the process.  But wait!  It was completed in only a few short seconds.  What could this be?  A simple action on a menu that took all the time and thinking away to perform a task?  Praise the spreadsheet heavens!